
“If not now, when?

Standing in Bloomfield’s holding The Dailey Method promo postcard – unlimited classes for a month! Only $79! I asked myself that question. No full time work commitment, no kids at home, a healthy woman in her early 60s – I had NO excuses. So down the street I went and signed up.

First class: what had I got myself into? My upper body strength was minimal, balance nonexistent, in fact, my entire body was demanding an explanation for the exertion I was demanding of it. But I persevered, under the caring tutelage of The Dailey Method team. They push, but not too hard. They encourage and reward effort and success with adjustments during class, words of praise and LOTS of energy and enthusiasm! The music is great too.

Almost four months later I am strong, no plank can defeat me! My balance, so important as we age because it is crucial to preventing falls, is 100% improved. I have thighs of steel and for the first time in my life, an almost perky butt! I am hooked.

Put yourself first. You are never too old or out of shape to make a start. Exercise helps your body work better, boosts your metabolism, and now, evidenced-based research shows that regular exercise can even reduce your risk of breast cancer and cognitive diseases.

The Dailey Method studio is like that old 90s TV show “Cheers”. Everyone knows your name, you are always welcome, you can laugh at yourself as you strive to improve, and you leave feeling good. So come in and try a class. There is never going to be a better day to begin. Because, if not now, when?”